Friday, December 28, 2012

Some Classic Films Finally Seen

I hope everyone reading this has had a good Christmas and will have a happy and safe New Year! I've had a couple of movies staring me in the face for a little bit now. Finally decided to watch them.

Fahrenheit 451 - Everyone knows Ray Bradbury's classic story. In a society where books are illegal and firemen start fires to burn the books, one fireman, Guy Montag, questions the way the society is run after a couple of incidents. I knew of the story but never actually read it. The movie has some interesting moments and it took me about an hour to realize that Julie Christie plays both Montag's wife, Linda, and the rebel Clarisse. At least now I can say that I've seen it.

1984 - Another dystopian society-type movie where false information and a "big brother" who watches everything reign supreme. I think I enjoyed this movie slightly more than Fahrenheit 451 but, again, having never read the book by George Orwell I had questions aplenty and the ending left me completely flummoxed.

Equilibrium - Influenced heavily by Fahrenheit 451 and 1984, Equilibrium stars Christian Bale as John Preston, policeman supreme in a society where emotions are suppressed by Prozium (the drug of choice for suppressing emotions!). More current and more action scenes make this movie easier to watch, if you can ignore all the illogicalities(?) that are present in trying to make this movie believable. Still, it was entertaining and I enjoyed it.

Reservoir Dogs - Never saw this Tarantino flick until the other night and it's pretty much like every other Quentin Tarantino movie you've ever seen. Interesting conversations then shocking bloody violence. You also have the end scene which reminds me a lot of the bar scene in Tarantino's Inglourious Bastards, with the same results. If you've never seen this movie, then check it out.

Some more classics that I still have to watch include Reefer Madness, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance and Metropolis.

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