Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Cheap, limitless energy...that you'll NEVER see!

Scientists at a US Navy laboratory have unveiled "significant" evidence of cold fusion, that's fusion happening at room temperature. Supposedly, the possibility of cold fusion has been around for 20 years or so and it has the "potential" to be a cheap, limitless and enviromentally-clean source of energy.

So why aren't we investigating this? Why aren't we investigating ALL alternative energy sources? Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the Universe and you mean to tell me we can't figure out a way to use it as a source of energy? We can invent a Wii but not a car that runs on water?? Come on! Do I really need to tell you why? Think about it.

Since 1962, Dr. Paul Moller has been trying to get people to recognize his flying cars. I want one of these! Hey, if they can produce enough of these you're looking at about $80,000 a pop. Not bad. Sign me up! I can just imagine the headaches the DOT will have when they try and come up with flying lanes for these babies!

A sidenote: Did you know that eating causes cancer? Go figure.

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