Thursday, December 16, 2010

WikiLeaks: The Truth or A World Danger?

I'd like to say up front that I always thought Julian Assange's rape charge was something Sweden did under pressure from America because of WikiLeaks. You can believe that World Governments act this way or not but it's one Hell of a coincidence, isn't it?

The problem I have is that Mr. Assange was supposedly getting these highly classified cables from some Private in the Army. Let me say that again; A Private in the Army. A Private? Really?? Do Private's normally have access to documents that are this classified? Yeah. No, I'm not sure I'm buying that one either. There's obviously a leak high on the command ladder and this poor Private is going to be the fall guy.

Hey, remember that TV show The Fall Guy with Lee Majors? Shedding his Six Million Dollar Man image to play a Hollywood Stuntman who...solves...crimes. He did have a kick ass truck, from what I remember. I'm digressing, though.

Jemima Khan had this to say about Assange's rape charge:
"Assange has not even been charged, let alone convicted. Swedish prosecutors do not have to produce any evidence that he committed the alleged sexual offences to justify the warrant. On the basis of the allegations that I heard read out in court, the evidence seems feeble, but I concede that I don't know the full facts. Neither does Assange. Stockholm's chief prosecutor, Eva Finne, who heard the evidence against Assange in August, threw the case out of court, saying: 'I don't think there is reason to suspect that he has committed rape.'"

Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore has lended Julian Assange a variety of help stating, "We were taken to war in Iraq on a lie. Hundreds of thousands are now dead," Moore wrote on his website. "Just imagine if the men who planned this war crime back in 2002 had a WikiLeaks to deal with. They might not have been able to pull it off. The only reason they thought they could get away with it was because they had a guaranteed cloak of secrecy. That guarantee has now been ripped from them, and I hope they are never able to operate in secret again."

Love him or hate him, the guy has a point.

Our final bite comes from John Ziegler (pictured below):

"I agree that there are important speech issues involved here, but I think it really has far more to do with the fact that Hollywood types love celebrity, danger and anti-Americanism. Assange now represents all three of those."

Huh?? Danger and Anti-Americanism? Why because he published documents about things that American Politicians said about other World Leaders?? Yeah, don't see that, either.

The moral of this story is don't write down unflattering things about other people! Just say it quietly behind their back. THAT'S the American way!!

On the lighter side; Chernobyl is going to be opened to tourists next year!
Yeah, that's where I want to go. What, do they give you a free geiger counter when you book your trip? "It perfectly safe. Pay no attention to two-headed dog." I'll pass.

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