Thursday, April 10, 2014

Fakers, Assholes and Why You Can't Believe Much That's On The Internet

It's been close to a year since my last blog post. I've been busy with, work, writing and life, in general.

Currently, I'm writing my Creator-Owned super-hero, Energyman, which will be published by RocketBlast Comics. There's a possibility for more work from them so I keep my fingers crossed.

If you look back on my blogs you'll see a series I did debunking a conspiracy rant by a supposed "judge", who spent a lot of time uncovering the supposed lies of history.
UPDATE: I went back to the board where I saw the original document and mentioned the mistakes in a comments section. Someone, I can only assume it was the person who posted the original document, admitted there were factual mistakes in the document and started yapping about Jesus as Lord.
So there you have it.
A huge, ridiculously long, conspiracy theory document rife with mistakes essentially aimed at trying to drive people to religion, as if Jesus and/or God is going to appear out of nowhere and makes things "right" with a wave of his hand.

I came across this site on Twitter. It is now one of my favorite sites!

I just recently came upon this news article which prompts me to make a few comments.
1) Why call it The Gospel of Jesus' Wife? Why not The Gospel of Mary? That is the woman in question.
2) "Jesus said to them, 'My wife...'." It also mentions that "she will be able to be my disciple," which led some to question whether women should be allowed to become Catholic priests." We all know that from the beginning of time, it's been a male-dominated society. The Catholic religion looked down upon women as inferior beings who were just put on the earth so men could procreate and make more men. That was the idea, anyway. It was the original He-Man Women-Haters Club and they conspired to keep women out and down and make it male only.
Of course, they didn't take into account that times change. Personally, what does it matter if a priest is male or female? Does the religion comes across any less because a woman is preaching as opposed to a male? Such is the hypocrisy of religion
3) And there will always be doubters. People who are so close-minded that the idea that Jesus was anything but a lone man with followers just upsets the apple cart too much. They've been brainwashed by religion into thinking that Jesus was, literally, an offshoot of God and had magical powers that could make the blind see and cure leprosy and walk on water in an age where if you cut yourself and it became infected, you were a dead man walking.

I think the video below sums up how the concept of "God" just doesn't make sense. Thanks to DarkMatter2525 on youtube for crafting the video.