Think about it. Think about getting in your car and driving a mile and then imagine being able to travel 635 miles in a minute! No turns, no lights, no stop signs. Just open space. Then try and imagine just how far 11 billion miles is! Then realize that even at that distance our sun still has some influence!
Even though Voyager 1 isn't heading toward any particular star, at its current speed, it would take Voyager 1 73,775 years to reach Proxima Centauri, the closest star next to our sun. That's over 700 centuries!
There are two reasons I bring this up; 1) It gives you an idea how BIG our Universe really is (Hell, it gives you an idea of how big our Galaxy is!) and 2) It certainly explains why we haven't been visited by any ET's and probably never will be (barring any miracles from unknown super-advanced cultures). I've been pondering alien civilizations on other planets and, while certainly feasible, they probably aren't any more advanced than we are.
Bear with me here.
The Earth is 4.5 billion years old and this is how advanced we are now (if you want to call this "advanced"). Since the life of our star (the sun) is only about 10 billion years, it would have to take a planet that's at least 5 to 7 billion years old and for their advanced thinking culture to have been around for at least a billion years longer than we have to even have a shot at interstellar travel. It's possible BUT, due to the size of the Galaxy as mentioned above, it could still take millions of years, if not tens of millions, for any alien race to find us, contact us and reach us.
That's my theory and I'm sticking to it.
I'm sure that I created quite a stir in my last post by stating that I don't believe in God. I just have to share this video, that's below, which explains the Foundational Falsehoods of Creationism. There are 15 parts or so and, I believe, all are on youtube. The guy did a great job putting the ten minute episodes together and made it entertaining but, man, does he talk fast. Listen close and pay attention.
I had to laugh when I saw that Victoria's Secret removed its Asian-inspired lingerie from its website because bloggers deemed it racist (bloggers, really?)! Picture below.
Apparently, this little outfit comes with a fan and chopsticks and certain bloggers got all up in arms that it depicts Asian women as sex-starved things that are just there for the enjoyment of males.
I don't think that's what it depicts. It's lingerie! Women wear it to turn their man on! Right? Am I missing something here? Of course, all bloggers that were complaining were, you guessed it, females. Nuff said!
For the record, the movies Lincoln and Wreck-It Ralph look real good.